Image Azure Gaming Virtual Machine - NV6 - Low Piority VM Normal License
Azure Gaming Virtual Machine - NV6 - Low Piority VM Normal License
The setup script configures everything that's needed to run or develop games via Remote Desktop. It use Azure NV6 virtual machine (VM) with a single Nvidia M60 GPU (1/2 of a M60 graphics card).

Cost: ~0,56 EUR/h

 Low Piority VM - Can be stoped anytime, but it is cheap.

Just push the button Deploy To Azure. If you Open Device Manager and you can not see NVIDIA Tesla M60 Graphics Card just open PowerShell and type:

Start-Process -FilePath "C:\NVIDIA\DisplayDriver\391.03\Win10_64\International\setup.exe" -ArgumentList "-s", "-noreboot" -Wait

After that please restart computer and open PowerShell in Admin mode agian and issue:

$nvsmi = "C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\NVSMI\nvidia-smi.exe" $gpu = & $nvsmi --format=csv,noheader --query-gpu=pci.bus_id & $nvsmi -g $gpu -fdm 0

and restart computer just again.

More info:

Mariusz Ferdyn
Deploy to Azure